Construction Vs. Natural Disasters - How do TMT Bars Protect?

Extreme weather conditions are can not be avoided. Earthquakes, floods, fires, and even storms all can cause costly damage and put lives at risk when they hit. In these instances, buildings that are constructed with low-quality TMT bars are at high risk, and hence making the right choice at the time of building any structure is most important.

Features of the TMT Bars:

1. High strength with better elongation

2. Superior weldability

3. Resistance to fire hazards

4. Anti-corrosive properties

5. High malleability & ductility

6. Higher Fatigue Strength

7. Highly Cost-effective

8. Better Bonding Strength

How do TMT Bars Protect Buildings From Natural Calamities?

TMT bars are manufactured using the Thermo Mechanical Treatment process to manufacture different grades of high-strength reinforcement steel bars. This manufacturing technique develops higher corrosion resistance, superior weldability, high ductility, etc properties and the structure that build with these bars lasts long and can withstand natural calamities. 


Earthquake is one of the prime natural disasters which cause property damage and destruction. For earthquake-resistant constructions, it is necessary to give them strength and ductility. The pearlite core of the TMT bar gives high ductility with high fatigue confrontation to tolerate dynamic load and helps the building absorb the earthquake vibration to a large extent, and prevent massive damage. 


Floods are the main reason which causes corrosion to the constructions. The unique manufacturing process of TMT bars gives them anti-corrosive properties and high durability against the flood-waters force. TMT bars with anti-corrosion properties are mostly useful for construction in humid environments such as coastal areas, underground surfaces, marine environments, etc.


Fire is the most destructive natural disaster and can cause the worst damage. Hence, fire safety is one of the most important concerns for engineers and builders. Fire damages can disturb the durability and stability of the building structure. The special thermal capability of TMT Bars makes them resistant to fire and can withstand temperatures ranging from 450 degrees to 600 degrees Celsius.


When inappropriate construction materials and technology are used it causes heavy damage by strong winds. TMT bars are known for the high strength and stability they provide to building structures that can withstand damage. 

These are the most common natural disasters that cause heavy damage to any construction. To minimize these effects must use high-quality TMT bars like Rajuri Steel, which withstand the damages.

Rajuri Steel - Quality That Protects

Specially manufactured Rajuri Steel TMT Bars are earthquake, corrosion, and fire-resistant, which provides extra strength needed for the construction. The properties of the Rajuri Steel TMT bars make the structure super stronger and durable and ultimately avoid heavy damage from natural disasters.

Choose the best for your construction needs!


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